Today’s challenges won’t be solved alone.
Family business owners can play a unique role in shaping a more just and sustainable future.
KAIROS seeks to empower the Next Generation of enterprising families to adopt a more holistic approach to their activities. Ranging from business operations to investment strategy and their philanthropy.
The time to be brave is today.
The Ancient Greek word kairos is defined as:
a favorable, opportune, or decisive time.
What we advocate
Traditionally, and over the past decades, families have made their fortunes and following this, in some cases, have decided to undertake philanthropic activities as a way to give back to society.
We're well aware of the polycrisis we're facing, from a climate perspective, but also the rising inequalities, increasing polarisation and the multitude of other challenges. The problems humanity face are incredibly daunting, and to some extent can cause action paralysis.
At KAIROS, we want to challenge the mindset of "business-as-usual-siloed-thinking", and encourage a new way of thinking. What if the whole family ecosystem could be geared toward generating a positive impact on people and the planet? Currently, business, investments and philanthropy all evolve in silos, what if all three could be geared toward positive impact and social change?
Where does one start? How can we as a family business drive change? Is it too late? What are the risks and what are the costs that will incur?
There are a multitude of questions to consider, but how about starting with this one:
Will the cost of inaction be higher than that of taking action?
KAIROS posits that with every challenge comes an opportunity. What if, instead of seeing the state of the world from a position of despair and fear, seeing it from one of hope and opportunity?
We're here to support our clients to think about their family ecosystem as whole. To guide them through the journey of taking a more holistic approach throughout their activities through the three pillars of our work.
Will you join us on this journey?
The pillars of our work
Why now and why Family Businesses?
Our society stands at a tipping point
We're at a decisive moment as a society, grappling with escalating climate challenges and rising inequalities. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2021 report underscores the urgency for transformative action to limit global warming to 1.5°C, highlighting a dual challenge and opportunity for businesses to lead not only in climate action but also in addressing societal imbalances.
The greatest wealth transfer in history is currently unfolding – an opportunity for systemic change
We are witnessing the largest wealth transfer in history, presenting a unique window for systemic change. This shift not only represents a transfer of assets but also offers a chance to redefine wealth's role in society, emphasizing sustainable and equitable practices. This pivotal moment offers a unique chance to shape long-term global shifts, steering towards economies that are both inclusive and focused on regenerative growth.
Family businesses account for more than 60%* of GDP worldwide
Family businesses possess a distinctive ability to enact change due to their inherent long-term perspective, strong value systems, and deep community ties. Their decision-making is often driven by legacy and sustainability goals, rather than short-term gains. This orientation towards lasting impact makes them well-suited to pioneer and implement innovative, sustainable practices that can lead to significant societal and environmental advancements.
(*McKinsey, 2023)